AlphaMax Highlights
- Helps Boost Free Testosterone
- Helps Boost Total Testosterone
- Supports Increases in Lean Mass
- Promotes Increased Libido
- Supports Fat Loss
- Promotes Accelerated Muscle Recovery
Performax Alphamax XT was designed to be the next advancement in male hormonal optimization. Rather than just stand by the wayside and release another ‘me too’ testosterone boosters like other other companies, Perforamx AlphaMaxt XT contains highly proven ingredients at effective dosages and because of this there is no reason to hide behind a proprietary blend. Performax AlphaMax XT, the most complete testosterone boosting agent has arrived so unlock your genetic potential and lead life like you were supposed to…the AlphaMax XT way.
Manufacturer’s Directions/FAQ
Take 2 capsules with 8oz. cold water 20 minutes before breakfast, take 2 more capsules with 8oz. cold water 20 minutes before dinner. Use on an 8week on/4 week off cycle.
How should AlphaMax be taken?
2 caps of Alphamax should be consumed twice daily separated by a 6-8 hour period. Alphamax Beta-Testers have noticed increased “Alpha Mentality” and increased Drive dosed 30 minutes pre workout. As well Testers also noticed improved sleep quality when dosed 30 minutes before bed.
Is Alphamax a PH or does it need a PCT?
Alphamax is a all natural testosterone booster and because of this a PCT is not necessary. However Alphamax can actually be used as part of a complete PCT.
Can women take Alphamax?
Alphamax is designed only for men and because it effects both testosterone production and estrogen we suggest women do not take this product.
Can I stack Alphamax with another testosterone booster?
While AlphaMax can be stacked with other testosterone boosters, it is completely unnecessary as the goal for Alphamax was creating an all in 1 product, addressing everything from Free Testosterone and Growth Hormone all the way to controlling Cortisol and Prolactin.
Performax Alphamax XT Supplement Facts