PharmaFreak Greens Freak - Loaded With Super Greens! The Most Complete Superfood Greens Formula Of Its Kind! With 10 Unique Ingredient Complexes!
Loaded With Super Greens! The Most Complete Superfood Greens Formula Of Its Kind!
GREENS FREAK is one of the most complete superfood greens formulas anywhere. And we’re not just saying that—every ingredient and complex found in GREENS FREAK has its own specific function to help support optimal health and performance. GREENS FREAK is a jacked-up greens formula for athletes and serious lifters. Enjoy!
Hawaiian Spirulina
Blue-green algae Hawaiian spirulina is one of the key ingredients in GREENS FREAK. It's been suggested that this superfood helps maintain a healthy immune system and body!
3 Key Green Superfoods
GREENS FREAK contains the three key green superfoods: (1) alfalfa grass, super for immune system support, (2) barley grass, super for high amounts of vitamins and enzymes, and (3) wheatgrass, super for being a powerful detoxifying agent!
10 Unique Ingredient Complexes
1) Sprouted Super Grains
2) Complete Superfoods
3) Red Superfoods
4) Full Spectrum Antioxidants
5) Immune Boosters
6) Adaptogen & Adrenal Support
7) Proprietary Probiotic Cultures
8) Proprietary Digestive Enzymes
9) Liver Cleansing
10) All-Natural Flavoring
Supports an Alkaline State
GREENS FREAK helps put the body in an alkaline state and maintain acid-base balance, which is essential for optimal body function. Isn’t science great?
Supports Body Function
When it comes to optimal body function, GREENS FREAK helps support the body’s daily micronutrient requirements.
Detoxifying Ingredients
By supplying a wide array of green food nutrients, GREENS FREAK helps detoxify the body. On a daily basis!
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